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Comparing ESG systems

Navigate the jungle of data management tools for CSRD, GHG & CSDDD


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About Parilo

We guide you through the ESG system jungle

We help you determine whether your organization needs an ESG system, when to implement it, and which ESG system(s) best fits your needs.


1. Understand

Gain clarity on your organization's ESG data requirements by aligning them with your sustainability goals and addressing key challenges.

2. Explore

Dive into the ESG system landscape and discover insights about solution providers and their offerings.

3. Match

Match your must-have system features with an ESG solution for your organization.

Let's make sustainability work sustainable!

Less administration, more impact.


Our packages


Get the information you need to make a well-informed decision on which ESG system(s) you need in 3 weeks.

✅ Guidance on whether your organization would benefit from implementing an ESG system(s)

✅ Recommendation on when to implement an ESG system

✅ Custom Request for Proposal (80+ must-haves, nice-to-haves, and do-not-needs)

✅ Shortlist - recommendation on which ESG system(s) to implement

✅ 1 h sustainability consulting



Use sustainability data management as a strategic tool to reduce negative impact by involving multiple departments (e.g., finance, HR, procurement, IT) and/or subsidiaries in the decision-making process.

Method for deciding who to involve in the process

✅ Criteria of relevant underlying documentation for decision making support

✅ Suggestions on workshop agenda

✅ Understanding of current status of the ESG system market

✅ Request for Proposal template (80+ rows)

Cost-benefit analysis material

Drafting of ESG system implementation timeline

✅ Report template for documentation and transparency purposes


✅ Sustainability and strategy advisory



Maximize and optimize your time with a 1 hour session.

✅ 1 h ESG systems advisory, based on your organization's needs


Tailored package

Set your priorities based on your needs.

You decide

You decide

Are you an ESG system provider?

We make it a priority to actively seek out and stay updated on the latest ESG system developments.

Meet the team

Sign up for our education

How to Choose the Right ESG System for Your Organization

A 3,5 h digital step-by-step course

Tittar på videoföreläsning

Contact us

We would love to help you find the best ESG system(s) for your specific organization!

✅ ... especially if you need to publish your first CSRD report within the next two years.

✅ ... especially if you are trying to determine whether you have outgrown Excel sheets.

✅ ... especially if you are conducting climate calculations in your organization.

✅ ... especially if you are considering setting a Science-Based Target.

✅ ... especially if you want to reduce administrative burdens and maximize impact.


Reach out

Send an email directly to, or fill in the form down below.

Thank you!

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